My Projects
With my work I strive to achieve unique user experiences by creating user-centered, easy-to-use user interfaces.
About Me
I’m a user interface designer living in Austria. I’m currently working as head of design at Cropster, where we create software for the specialty coffee industry. I'm passionate about all new and cool web stuff. I love creating something visual, coding and the board game „Settlers of Catan“. You want to talk about UI design? Or you need a board game partner? Then get in touch with me!

I love sharing information and talking about the things I'm passionate about. I am holding talks in English and German. These are the topics I'm currently speaking about: Collaboration between Design and Development, Datavisualization, UX Design Workflows, CSS animations. For inviting me to speak at your event get in touch:
Between Design and Development
Ember Conference, Talk, Portland, Video (Youtube)
Datavisualization with D3.js
data2day, Workshop (6h), Karlsruhe
Datavisualization: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Future of Webdesign, Talk, London, Video (Treehouse)
Frontend Development for Designers
Careerfoundry, Online Course
My work starts in the conception stage with user interviews and usually ends with front-end templates in HTML and CSS (or Sass). Within this workflow I work on icon sets, design sheets, front-end styleguides, interactive prototypes, documentation and usability tests.
Legal Notice
Lisa Gringl
Museumsstraße 34
6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Responsibility regarding content and administration
Lisa Gringl -
Image credits
All images used on this website are either published specifying the appropriate image credits or the image rights rest with this website.
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Despite careful checking we assume no liability for the contents of external links. Responsibility for the contents of these linked websites lies solely with the persons operating them.